The game!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

First Painted Space Monkeys and Spec Ops!

  So I received my Combined Army miniatures last
week and quickly assembled them within hours of receival.    They had very little flash on them and I was very happy with the quality, although I knew to expect lovely miniatures from Corvus Belle.  I decided to assemble my Sogarat differently to the 'at rest' pose displayed on the Infinity webpage.  Instead, as you can see in this picture, I made him hoisting his HMG one-handed, in total contempt of his target, nonchalantly blazing away at them.

  Here is a group shot of my Morat force.  The total is 282 points at the moment.  Not sure how often I will use all four Yaogats, but as there is no Morat Aggression Force starter and I wanted a pure Morat army, I had to buy the full box of them.  I do love the Sogarat and can't wait to use him in a game this coming weekend.  I look forward to having Cohen and Lowie trying to work out how to crack open this ARM 6, W 2 beast.

  Anyway, I have begun painting.  Now I am not a great painter or a fast painter.  I have over 20,000 points of 40k miniatures and barely 3,000 of them are painted to a gaming standard at best.  But with starting Infinity and the smaller army size, I decided I would paint them fairly quickly, so I can play with a fully painted force.  No excuses.  I'm happy with having gotten two done in a week with a busy schedule including trips to the city to see Ice Hockey (but that's another story).  So here is my finished Sogarat and Yaogat with Spitfire.  

  I've gone with a dark blue (old GW Regal Blue), with light blue highlights (old GW Enchanted Blue + Skull White) and green underarmour/patches (old GW Goblin Green) for the armour itself.  I painted the Sogarat's helmet in a stylised Morat scheme, with the white crest to simulate their white hair and red faceplate.  I will continue this helmet scheme with the other Yaogats who have enclosed helmets.  Their guns have a darker look with a lot less colour on them, but I like it as a contrast to their stark white hair and bright faces.  I'm happy to hear what you guys think, or any tips on painting these guys.

  As I was writing this post, I also saw Corvus Belle has release pictures of the new Spec Op miniatures.  I am not really smitten with the Morat one.  I think it's the pistol.  Although apparently it comes with alternate weapons.  If that is the case, he wouldn't be a model for a Vanguard Lieutenant.
  But I really like the Haqqislam and Ariadna ones.  Intel, the Ariadna Spec Ops, looks particularly bad ass, as though his about to use that combat blade on some poor unsuspecting sap.  Also the alternate heads for the Nomad and Aleph ones look awesome as well.  I may have to look into expanding into an Ariadna force later...


  1. I like the Ariadna and Haqqislam ones too. The head swap options are pretty cool. Looking forward to seeing the Spec Ops rules next month.

    Your painting looks really good. I'm hoping I'll have time to paint the details on mine - they're going well at the moment, but I'm outta time!

  2. Never plan on running 4 Yaogats? A 4/5 man Yaogat link team is some scary shit coming from someone that plays them as well as being on the receiving end of them a couple of times. Don't forget your Soggy has an Auto medikit either!

    I also suggest you pick up a Rasyat to add to your MAF force. They really make a mess of things.

    1. Don't tell him that! Sheesh! We'll die! :oP

    2. Thanks for the tips. I hadn't planned on the 4 Yaogats at least at this early stage but I may rethink that when we play our first game larger then 150 points. I found the Sogarat's auto medikit very using the other day after he took a Panzerfaust to the chest!
