Just a couple of photos to add of my corkboard buildings. I've added a rim around the edge of the previous one, where once the roof was fixed in place, to support a removable 'lid'. It will be made of cardboard that has been corrugated. The larger two pieces are the one building, which will be joined together (very soon, I hope). They represent a mechanic's workshop or similar.
As with the cardboard buildings, there's a lot of work to do in the detailing. I'm not sure just specifically what my approach with these will be, except to add the roofs, and inner floors for the larger building. I'm thinking the section above the entrance (the two bigger doors) will be relatively open, with a walkway around the top. I'll have to see how it turns out when I get to work on it.
But... so far so good. I've enjoyed the projects and am looking forward to playing games on tables that sport these buildings!
Looking good Cohen. My Morat look forward to romping through them soon.
ReplyDeleteCool. Gotta get the floors and roofs onto them first.